

DLA’s Completed Transactions

DLA prioritizes customer service and experience in every engagement. Our Forensic Accounting, Business Valuation, and Litigation Support experts have strong knowledge and credentials, including: Certified Public Accounts (CPA), Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) from the American Institute of Certified Public…

Behind the Scenes: A More Organized CRM

“Customer Relationship Management (CRM)” platforms are only valuable if they are well organized and easy to access. At DLA Capital, our proprietary CRM platform enables us to easily launch targeted marketing campaigns and personalizes our relationships with investors, referral sources, and other potential clients.

PPP Loans

On December 21, 2020, Congress passed a coronavirus stimulus package that includes an additional $284 billion of Paycheck Protection Program funding of financial relief in the form of tax credits and loan forgiveness for borrowers who meet certain criteria.